Usage on Supercomputers


There are a few steps one has to complete before using PFASST++_ on _JUQUEEN.

  1. make sure the only modules loaded are gcc/4.8.1 and fftw3/3.3.3
  2. prepare a custom installation of Boost

    Because at time of writing only 1.47.0 is available compiled with _XL/C++_, which does not support the C++11 features we learned to love.

    1. download a recent version of Boost (i.e. 1.57.0)
    2. extract the archive and cd into it
    3. run

      CXX=`which mpig++` CC=`which mpigcc` ./ \
        --with-libraries=program_options --prefix=<INSTALL_PLACE>

      where INSTALL_PLACE is something like $HOME/progs/juqueen

    4. create file called user-config.jam with the following content:
      using gcc : 4.8.1 : mpig++ ;
    5. now compile

      CXX=`which mpig++` CC=`which mpigcc` ./b2 --prefix=<INSTALL_PLACE> \
        --reconfigure link=static stage

      and install

      CXX=`which mpig++` CC=`which mpigcc` ./b2 --prefix=<INSTALL_PLACE> \
        link=static install
  3. go to the sources of _PFASST++_, create a build folder and step into it
  4. run CMake
    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/toolchain_juqueen.cmake \
      -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which mpig++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which mpigcc` \
  5. run make
  6. write your LLSubmit configuration file

    for example for the Advection-Diffusion example:

    #@job_name              = MPI_PFASST_test
    #@comment               = "a little test of PFASST with MPI"
    #@output                = mpi_pfasst_test_$(jobid)_$(stepid).out
    #@error                 = mpi_pfasst_test_$(jobid)_$(stepid).err
    #@environment           = COPY_ALL
    #@job_type              = bluegene
    #@notification          = never
    #@wall_clock_limit      = 00:10:00
    #@bg_size               = 1
    #@bg_connectivity       = TORUS
    runjob --np 32 --ranks-per-node 32 : \
      <PATH_TO_BUILD_DIR>/examples/advection_diffusion/mpi_pfasst \
      -q --tend 0.64 --dt 0.01 --num_iter 8


There are a few steps one has to complete before using PFASST++_ on _Edison. These steps have been tested with the GNU programming environment (that is, with the PrgEnv-gnu module).

  1. Load the following modules:
    module load cmake python fftw eigen3 boost
  2. Go to the sources of _PFASST++_, create a build folder and step into it:
    cd PFASST
    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Run CMake
    cmake -Dpfasst_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -Dpfasst_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF ..
  4. Run make
    make -j 4
  5. Run an example in an interactive job:
    qsub -I -q debug -l mppwidth=4
    cd PFASST/build/examples/advection_diffusion
    aprun -n 4 ./mpi_pfasst -c