Trouble Shooting

I'm getting SEGFAULTs, how do I track them down?

Please try running your program through GDB and/or valgrind.

How do I run my MPI program through GDB?

To run your MPI program through GDB:

mpirun -n 4 xterm -e gdb -x my-gdb-commands my-pfasst-program

where my-gdb-commands is a plain text file containing GDB commands to run your program, and my-pfasst-program is your executable. A very simple set of GDB commands for the my-gdb-commands is:

catch throw

The result is: mpirun will launch 4 xterm windows, each of which will immediately run your program through gdb, which subsequently runs your program. Hopefully GDB will catch the SEGFAULT.

How do I run my MPI program through valgrind?

To run your MPI program through valgrind:

mpirun -n 4 xterm -e valgrind my-pfasst-program